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We Do for YOU

We send the following Text messages for you. 

Plus, you can send additional texts using our pre-designed templates, or you can create your own.


We sync your lists with InTouch 2 times per month, but if you need more often, just let us know.



$20 set-up fee

  • Consultant Status - A3, T1, T6 & T7 (like a little packet in their hands)

  • Consultant Birthday - sent day of

  • Customer Birthday - sent day of (Enjoy 20% off or customize to your liking)

  • Thank you for your order to unit ($225+)

  • On-target Star (Levels: Month 1 - $400/ Month 2 - $400/ 1st week of final month - $600)

  • On-target Monthly Challenge Achievers

  • New Consultant Series - Keyword generated

  • News Blast - 2/month ... which include: 

​PCP Enrollment Reminder

New Product Launch Announcements

New Product Business Tips

STAR dates and prizes

Company Promos and Prizes

Seasonal Ideas and Business Tips

Selling and Marketing Tips

Upcoming Company Events and Importance

Important Company Dates and Deadlines 

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Additional Options

The services and prices below are à la carte add-on texts:

  • A3 Month End - $5

(Sent to A3 consultants who have placed less than $225, informing them they have a bit more to go to remain Active)

  • Newsletter - $3

(2 times per month)

  • Promotions - $4

(beginning of month with 20% discount)

  • Customer Birthday - $5

  • New Consultant Texts Pkg - $16

​​(we look 1 time a week and will send the series)

  • ​New Consultant Texts A la Carte - $5 Each

​(YOU email us each time you get a new team member and we will send within 24 business hrs)

  • Consultant Status Report - $3

​(report with Cons name and # emailed to you, after cons. status texts are sent)

  • Update PCP list quarterly - $5

  • Anniversaries - $5





  • The average TEXT RESPONSE time is 90 seconds

  • 99% of all TEXTS are read

  • 36% CTR (click through rate)

The more messages are read, the more responses you will receive, which means more engagement, more leads and a stronger business.

Work SMART not Hard.  You can work from any device, night or day,  Give yourself the gift of TIME.

Send Texts, Emails, and Voice Messages for a fraction of the cost of other companies.  You can use it yourself, but if you need a little help (or a lot), PinkSuccess could be the perfect fit.  


  • Easy to navigate dashboard

  • Tutorials to help learn the platform

  • Create unlimited groups

  • Create drip campaigns

  • Automated campaigns

It is Business Smart to expand your communication platforms with tools like Texts, Emails, Social Media, Websites, etc.

  • If they opt out of one channel of communication, you can still reach them through another.

  • Bridge age gaps and meet communication preferences of multiple targets.

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