virtual assistant, mary kay, texting, websites, newsletters
WOW Experiences with PINK Hugs
Unit Recognition
Want to celebrate your team with individual recognition?
We can do that for you with fun and professional posts!
Click the button under the reco you'd like.
Submit the form.
We post it for you!
Note: You must have at least the Bronze Social Media Package with us to use this service.
If you have the Silver Package, 8 free individual recognition posts are included each month in your package.
Jump to
Click on the pink button under the image that you want us to post for you.
Once you submit the form, we will post it within 1 business day
(Mon-Fri: Requests received on Friday may not be posted until Monday).
REMEMBER: Be sure we have the picture of your achiever in OneHub. Otherwise, we will use a silhouette.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Individual Birthday & Anniversary Recognition can be done two ways:
Monthly Recurring (we will automatically check your InTouch each month)
or One-Time Immediate (we'll just post this once, like any other reco)​



Extra Group Recognition
Are you looking for special group recognition not offered with your package? We can help with that!
We can recognize your group for their achievements following the price structure below. Just click the link to fill out the form and we will take care of it for you!
Please note:
- Consultants whose picture is not in One Hub will be represented with a silhouette
- If a post needs to be remade due to Director error, the new post will be charged as well
- Groups larger than 20 must be presented as a list
Let's celebrate!
​Simply select the type of recognition you need,
click the button underneath, and submit the form.
EACH time you want us to recognize a team member on Facebook or Suites, please select the recognition you need us to post for you below, then complete the form and we will post within 24 business hours (M-F). We do NOT look each day for you, you must complete the forms below for them to receive recognition.
Example 1: If you want to recognize 2 New Consultants, you would fill out the New Consultant form 2 Times - you would be charged $6
Example 2: When a consultant earns the Sapphire star level, complete the form and we will post their individual recognition - you would be charged $3
​​If you want us to look for you weekly:
There is a $1 upcharge for each picture we post, and if you do not have any recognition for the week in a category you choose, you will be charged $2 for the time. YOU MUST EMAIL us to set up this arrangement.
Example 3: If you want us to look for you weekly for New Consultants and monthly challenge achievers - you have 2 New Consultants and 1 monthly achiever - you would be charged $12
If you have us check more than one category each week, and some categories have achievers and others don't, you will be charged 1 additional free post (total) for checking the categories that don't have any achievers, or $1 per category if there are no free post remaining.
Example 4: Susie has us check new consultants, new monthly achievers, and new star achievers automatically each week. This week, Susie has 1 new consultant, 0 new monthly achievers, and 0 new star achievers. Susie will be charged 1 free post (or $4) for the new consultant, and 1 free post (or $1) for checking for the monthly achievers, no additional free posts will be used to check for the star achievers, but an additional $1 will be charged if there are no free posts available.
Example 5: A different week, Susie has 1 new consultant, 1 new monthly achiever, and 1 new star. Susie will be charged 1 free post (or $4) for the new consultant, 1 free post (or $4) for the monthly achiever, and 1 free post (or $4) for the new star.
Example 6: Another week, Susie has no achievers (it was the first week of July and everyone was on vacation this week). Susie will be charged 1 free post (or $2) for us to check the first category, and 1 additional free post (or $1 each) to check the remaining two categories. In total, Susie will use 2 free posts this week, or if no free posts remain, Susie will be charged $4.
Please understand, you MUST have the image of the consultant in OneHub prior to us posting all recognition.
If you do not and you want us to repost it with their image, you will be charged a second time for post your are requesting us to redo.
CLICK BELOW to have us send you a link to OneHub if you have not set up your account yet.
Birthdays & Anniversaries
(Monthly Recurring - How it works)
If you would like us to celebrate your consultants' Birthdays on a monthly recurring basis, please complete the form below ONE TIME, we will then look up dates on intouch for you monthly.
Example: if there are 5 consultants with birthdays in one month, you will be charged $10 for the month.
If you would like us to celebrate MK Anniversaries, please complete the form ONE TIME, we will then look up dates on Intouch for you monthly.
Example: if there are 3 consultants with MK Anniversaries in one month, you will be charged $6 for the month.
Pictures MUST be in OneHub prior to the 20th of each month. The posts will be prepared the last week of the month, for the following month.
So if if we are preparing posts for February, you MUST have their pictures in OneHub by January 20th. If you input them after, and ask us to redo them, you will be charged an extra $2 for each post.
Great Start Recognition
(Monthly Recurring - How it works)
GREAT START... incredible program but it can be overwhelming to you as a director and to the consultants. Let us help you recognize them and keep them informed.
Please NOTE: Great Start does NOT count towards your 8 Extra Posts/ Credits.
If you would like us to do monthly recognition AND tracking for your GREAT START earners and post on FACEBOOK and/or TEXT, please complete the form below. We will recognize New Consultants throughout their first 4-5 months, when they have earned new bundles each month. Once you complete this form 1 time, we will know to look each month for you and you do not need to complete it again. But it is your responsibility to import their picture into OneHub, if it is not there, we will use a silhouette. If you import their picture after we have posted it and ask us to redo it, please know, you will be charged an extra fee of $5.
If you would like us to send congratulations and tracking TEXTS to your GREAT START earners, please complete the form 1 time, and we will look for you monthly. You must use our PinkTel Texting service in order for us to complete this for you.
They will get their first recognition the month AFTER they place their initial $600 and any month after they earn a bundle (within the first week of month). If they do not earn another bundle, they will receive recognition during month 4 celebrating what they have earned and as a motivational reminder during their final month of freebies.

Example 1 - FB or Text RECO AND TRACKING:
MONTH 1 - Consultant A orders $600 - WILL receive reco on FB/ Text within first week of MONTH 2, $5
MONTH 2 - Consultant A orders $750 - WILL receive reco on FB/ Text within first week of MONTH 3, $5
MONTH 3 - Consultant A does NOT order - will NOT receive reco on FB/ Text
MONTH 4 - Consultant A - WILL receive reco during month 4 for her total as a motivational reminder (ordered $800), $5
MONTH 5 - Consultant A - WILL receive reco IF earned a bundle during month 4 - congratulating on total earnings (Consultant A did place an order during month 4), $5
Total cost to Director for FB or TEXT reco & tracking for Consultant A - $20

MONTH 1 - Consultant B orders $3600 - WILL receive reco on FB and a TEXT within first week of MONTH 2, $7
MONTH 2 - Consultant B orders $800 - WILL receive reco on FB and a TEXT within first week of MONTH 3, $7
MONTH 3 - Consultant B does NOT order - will NOT receive reco on FB or a TEXT
MONTH 4 - Consultant B WILL receive reco on FB and a TEXT during month 4 for her total as a motivational reminder (consultant B did not place an order this month), $7
MONTH 5 - Consultant B did not place an order during month 4 so will NOT receive reco or text
Total cost to Director for FB and TEXT reco & tracking for Consultant B - $21
Click the button to begin receiving monthly recognition.

If you would like us to recognize your New Consultant immediately when they become GS qualified (vs waiting until the beginning of next month when reports are accurate) please click the button below and complete the form.
This is a one-time post and does not sign you up for monthly automatic recognition.

Please remember, you MUST have the image of the consultant in OneHub prior to us posting all recognition. If you do not and you want us to repost it with their image instead of a silhouette, you will be charged a second time for the post your are requesting us to redo.
Wanting to celebrate your team with individual recognition? We can do that for you with fun and professional posts!
Note: You must have at least the Bronze Social Media Package with us to receive any of these posts. If you have the Silver Package, 8 of these individual recognition posts are included each month in your package.